My Offerings.

  • Genital dearmoring

    Sexual trauma manifests in many forms, often leaving women feeling shamed for their sexual desires. Many of us are uncertain about our own desires because we've never been encouraged to explore what truly pleases us. Traditionally, we've been conditioned to prioritize men's desires, remain passive, and consent even when it's uncomfortable. Cultural and religious teachings have labeled female sexuality as sinful, while physical and sexual abuse against women continues to be pervasive.

    Our bodies carry the weight of these ancestral and daily psychosomatic aggressions, leading to blockages and armor. Genital dearmoring offers a safe, holistic approach to addressing these sexual blockages. By allowing our bodies the space and time to truly feel, we can awaken sensations and attune to what brings us pleasure. This practice helps us better understand and articulate our yeses, nos, and maybes.

  • Genital/Pelvic Injuries, Scar tissue remediation.

    Did you know that a C-section scar can have long-term effects on the position and mobility of the bladder, uterus, and bowels? These changes can result in uncomfortable bowel habits, painful intercourse, and an overall feeling of discomfort.

    Scar tissue from a C-section can restrict the round ligaments, preventing the cervix from moving up and out of the way during intercourse, which can cause pain over time.

    Scar-related issues, such as incontinence, prolapse, and painful sex, affect 87% of women who have given birth.

    Vaginal scars can cause discomfort years later, impacting bowel habits, contributing to hemorrhoids, diminishing pleasure sensations, and affecting overall comfort and confidence. Scar tissue in the vaginal and labial areas can hinder blood flow, affecting lubrication and tissue expansion.

  • Embodied pleasure

    ​​Get in touch with me if you:

    Want to explore and expand your capacity to experience pleasure in your body, with others, and in life!

    Want to feel more empowered and expressive as a sexual being.

    Want to cultivate more choice and voice in your sexual relationships, and life at large.

    Desire to explore consent, boundaries and communication in intimate relationships.

    Want to have a better understanding of your sexual anatomy - experience more sensation and expand your orgasmic range.

    Want to experience more meaningful, satisfying and easy intimate connections.

    ​Desire to navigate sexual differences in a relationship, and explore new erotic possibilities.

Our sexual habits and attitudes are built over a lifetime. Like any other habit, it takes dedicated awareness and time to change our relationship with our bodies and sexual nature.

 What happens in our body is linked to the thoughts and beliefs we have, as well as the education we've been given, which is generally fear-based and limited… and not inclusive of the various ranges of pleasure. It's also linked to the messages that come from our parents, from religion, from culture - all of which are subconsciously taken in to our minds and our bodies…and which greatly impact our sexuality...with self and with others.

All of this imprinting creates patterns…which develop over time. Giving our bodies new sensations, new experiences, new ways of feeling, new ways of breathing, is where we start to change/transform these patterns.
SLOOOWLY!…Our patterns have been there for a long time! 

Our sexual patterns are in our muscles, in our joints, in our nerves, in our breath, in the position of our bodies, and of course, in our genitals, in the tissue of our sexuality. Healing is about creating a pattern of change.  It's about opening, releasing, relaxing, letting go, allowing. ~Jonti Searll